Content Posted in 2025
Acid Ceramidase Promotes Akt Activation and Nuclear Export of PTEN through S1P Signaling, Thomas Hendrix Beckham
A Probabilistic Model for Predicting Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Bioavailability to American Oysters (Crassostrea virginia) Inhabiting South Carolina Estuarine Environments, Richard E. Thompson
Bioavailability of the Tea Flavonoids Epicatechin and Epicatechin Gallate: Role of Membrane Transport and Metabolism, Jaya bharathi Vaidyanathan
Calpain Inhibition Attenuates Inflammatory and Neurodegenerative Events in Animal Models of Multiple Sclerosis, Mary Kelly Guyton
Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Profile of African American College Freshmen, Theodosha S. Gilliard
Characterization of Calpain 10 Activity, Expression, and Inhibition, Christopher Joseph Giguere
Combination Therapy for Inflammation and Neurodegeneration in Multiple Sclerosis Rodent Model, Nicole Neva Marie Trager
Comparison of AI Tools that address Social Determinants of Health suggested to Reduce Maternal Mortality: A Systematic Review, Nakia Mattis
Comprehensive Analysis of High-Dimensional, Longitudinal Multi-Modal Molecular and Electronic Health Record Data, Jessica Zielinski
Connectomic Dysfunctions Underlying Cognitive Impairment in Alcohol Use Disorder and the Link to Alzheimer's Disease, Graham Warner
Consumer Jeopardy in an Emerging Technology: Direct-to-Consumer Personal Genome Testing, Matthew A. Van Patton
Effects of Economic Recession on Primary Care Access for the Homeless, Brandi M. White
Effects of Multidimensional vs. Functional Health Literacy Educational Interventions on Standardized Patient-Nurse Interactions: A Feasibility Study, Kempa S. French
Enhancing the Efficacy of Enzalutamide by Inhibition of Sphingosine Kinase 2 to Target Inflammation and Tumor Proliferation, Heather Venant
Expression and Function of Hoxc5 and Hoxc6 in the Murine Mammary Gland, Silvia Alejandra Garcia-Gasca
Ganoderic Acid DM as a Therapeutic Agent for the Treatment of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma, John Matthew Bryant
GILT Expression Alters Tumorigenic Molecules and HLA Class II Presentation in Human Melanoma Cells, Jessica D. Hathaway
Hypoxic Preconditioning of Embryonic Stem Cells: A Novel Transplantation Strategy to Improve Recovery after Stroke, Michelle Hedrick Theus
IL-2 Receptor Signaling Regulates Ets1 Translation in Human Natural Killer Cells, Eric M. Grund
Molecular Characterization of Immunoglobins A, G, and M Heavy Chains in the Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, Holly Ann Gefroh
Pharmacological Studies of Nicotine and Galantamine Effects on Age Associated Memory Impairment and the Neurotrophic System in Aged Female Rats, Kristen L. French
Proportional Odds Model for Dose Finding Clinical Trial Designs with Ordinal Toxicity Grading, Emily Marie Van Meter
Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Workforce, Beverly Murphy and Shannon D. Jones
Serotonergic Stimulation of Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Their Cheminformatic Models, Richard Edwin Trager III
Study of the Molecular Basis of Diabetic Retinopathy, Heather Christine Glasscock-Hatcher
The Association of Primary Care Physician Supply to the Prevalence of Diabetes, Obesity, Smoking, and Hypertension in Georgia, Dennis L. White
The Effect of Canal Preparation on Fill Length in Straight Root Canals Obturated with GuttaCore®, Robert Bryan Whitten
The Protective Role of Superoxide Dismutase Against the Beta Cell Toxicity of Diabetogenic Drugs, Samuel Evans Gandy III
The Role and Regulation of Heat Shock Protein 27 in Retinal Ischemic Preconditioning, Norris Andrew Whitlock
The Role of Gamma-Secretase Impairment and Amyloid Beta Degradation in Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis, Robert J. Baranello Jr.
The Zebrafish as a Model of Ventricular and Arterial Pole Malformations, Adrian Colin Grimes
Two Stage Clonal Expansion Models of Carcinogenesis for Acute, Continuous, and Multiple Exposure with Applications, Boshao Zhang
Tyrosinase Reactive T Cells Reject or Edit Established Human Melanomas in vivo, Telma Raquela Martins da Palma