Date of Award
Embargo Period
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Biostatistics and Epidemiology
College of Graduate Studies
First Advisor
Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer
Second Advisor
Dipankar Bandyopadhyay
Third Advisor
Pierre Giglio
Fourth Advisor
Renee H. Martin
Fifth Advisor
Yuko Y. Palesch
Sixth Advisor
Abhay Varma
Currently many dose finding clinical trial designs, including the continual reassessment method (CRM) and the standard 3 + 3 design, dichotomize toxicity outcomes based on pre-specified dose-limiting toxicity criteria. This loss of information is particularly inefficient due to the small sample sizes in phase I trials. Common Toxicity Criteria (CTCAE v3 .0) classify adverse events into grades 1 through 5, which range from 1 as a mild adverse event to 5 as death related to an adverse event. In this paper, we extend the CRM to include ordinal toxicity outcomes as specified by CTCAEv3.0 using the proportional odds model and compare results with the dichotomous CRM. A sensitivity analysis of the new design compares various prior distributions, target dose-limiting toxicity rates, sample sizes, and cohort sizes. This design is also assessed under various dose-toxicity relationship models including proportional odds models as well as those that violate the proportional odds assumption. A simulation study shows that the proportional odds CRM performs as well as the dichotomous CRM on all criteria compared, and notably with more precision to estimate the maximum tolerated dose (MTD). These findings suggest that it is beneficial to incorporate ordinal toxicity endpoints into phase I trial designs.
Recommended Citation
Van Meter, Emily Marie, "Proportional Odds Model for Dose Finding Clinical Trial Designs with Ordinal Toxicity Grading" (2009). MUSC Theses and Dissertations. 1007.
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