Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The Effect of Canal Size on Fill Length Using the WaveOne File System and Carrier-Based Obturators, Alayna C. Corden
Lipid Signaling in Cancer: Discovery of Novel Therapeutic Strategies, Mohammed O. Dany
Effects of Switching from Brand Name to Generic Seizure Medication, Kim Dawson
Inhibiting Histone Deacetylases Preserves the Retinal Pigment Epithelium Barrier, Danielle Desjardins
Antifungal Effects of Complement Peptide C3a on Candida glabrata, Jessica Dinh
A Study of Perceptions Regarding the Changing Roles, Skills, and Effectiveness of Human Resource Functions in Healthcare, Jimmy Dunn Jr.
Gap and Tight Junction Stabilization in Cardiac Transplantation, Ryan Finnegan
Effects of Multidimensional Vs. Functional Health Literacy Educational Interventions on Standardized Patient-Nurse Interactions: A Feasibility Study, Kempa S. French
Improving the Accuracy of Publicly Reported PSI Rates through Enhanced Internal Documentation Review, Daniel E. Furlong
A Study of the Objective and Subjective Evaluation of Three Different Bracket Prescriptions (Roth vs MBT vs Damon) Used in a Graduate Orthodontic Program, Stephanie Chambers Furlong
Development of Advanced, Clinically Feasible Neuroimaging Methodology with Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging, G. Russell Glenn
Advanced Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Their Impact on Medication Errors, Steven Goriah
The Role of Sphingosine Kinase 1 in Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Inflammation in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Michael Drew Harland
Measuring Return-on-Investment (ROI) of a Worksite Wellness Program Using an Accountable Care Organization Software Program: What is the ROI at 12 Months?, Andrew J. Hartung
MK2 is a Potent Pathophysiological Regulator of Osteoimmunology, Bethany Ann Herbert
Survey Deficiency Data as a Quality Measure for Hospitals and ASCS in Florida, Adam Higman
Mechanisms of Subtype-Specific Inhibition of N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptors by Ethanol, Benjamin A. Hughes
Aromatherapy for Preoperative Anxiety among Female Breast Surgery Patients: A Feasibility Study, Candace B. Jaruzel
Physical Activity and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors Among African American Women Residing in the Southeastern United States, Felicia Jenkins
Adverse Event Rates as a Marker of Quality in Thoracenteses: Is it Feasible for Use in a Radiologic Practice?, Angela Joyner
Hop, The Heat Shock Link between Hsp90 and the Piwi-piRNA Pathway, Joseph A. Karam
Chief Executive Officers’ Perspectives on Characteristics and Conditions Associated with Hospital Financial Distress and Risk of Closure, James Alan Kent