Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Financial Health of Hospitals: Critical Access and Rural Hospitals in West Virginia, George C. Couch
Antagonizing Tubulin-Dependent VDAC Closure to Revert Warburg Metabolism in Cancer Cells, David Nicholas Dehart
The South Carolina Telestroke Program: Does County-level Telestroke Access Increase the Odds that Patients Will Receive t-PA?, Steven M. DiLembo
Copper Iodide Augmented Gutta-Percha Significantly Limits the Growth of Enteroccocus faecalis, Monica Rancourt Estes
Psychological Effects of Military Combat on Veterans and Adolescents: Relationships between Risk Factors, Protective Factors, and Post-Development Psychological Morbidities, Melissa Ferdinandi
Cardiac Arrest Associated with Endotracheal Suctioning Following Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease, Anna C. Fisk
Using Blubber to Assess Steroid Hormone Homeostasis in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Exposed to Organochlorine Pesticides, Thomas Matthew Galligan
The Effects of Acute Stress and Adolescent Alcohol Exposure on Behavioral Flexibility in Adulthood, Sarah Corrin Garr
Endodontic Treatment Preferences of Referring General Dentists: A Nationwide Survey of Dentists, Spence Turner Gibbs
The Role of the 5-hydroxytrptamine 1F Receptor in Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Acute Kidney Injury, Whitney Sharee Gibbs
Identifying Barriers in Accessing Early Intervention Services, Michelle Y. Gilbert
Using Mixed Methods to Identify Delirium Bundle Care in the Intensive Care Unit, Jama Goers
Investigations at the Crossroads of Down Syndrome and Alzheimer’s Disease, Eric Daniel Hamlett
Effects of Oxytocin on Working Memory and Executive Control System Connectivity in PTSD, Annie Hand
Mitochondrial HDAC1 Exacerbates Cardiac Ischemia Reperfusion Injury, Daniel Joseph Herr
The Financial Impact of the Use of Magnification Loupes on Registered Dental Hygienists and Dental Practices, LaTanya Nicole Hicks
A Systems Analysis of the Effect of Environmental Xenoestrogens on Vertebrate Transcriptomes, Matthew Huff
The Role of Tristetraprolin in an Experimental Periodontitis Mouse Model, Trenton F. Jensen
Bayesian Response Adaptive Randomization in Phase III Confirmatory Clinical Trials with a Binary Endpoint, Yunyun Jiang
A Comprehensive Molecular Phylogeny of Holocephalans and Identification of Sex-Specific Genetic Markers in Chondrichthyan Fishes, Jenny Marie Kemper
ShinyGPA: An Interactive and Dynamic Visualization Toolkit for the Exploratory Analysis of Genetic Studies, Emma Kortemeier