Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


College of Graduate Studies

First Advisor

Eugene F. Woods

Second Advisor

R. P. Walton

Third Advisor

J. A. Richardson

Fourth Advisor

William M. McCord

Fifth Advisor

W. Curtis Worthington, Sr.


Since the isolation or reserpine by Bein et al (1) in 1952, there have been numerous investigations dealing with the pharmacological and physiological properties of this drug. A good proportion of this work has dealt with the effects of reserpine on the function of the sympatho-adrenal system. The present investigation has two primary objectives and is therefore divided into two chapters. The first chapter is concerned with a study of the effects of previous reserpine treatment on the responsiveness of the adrenal medulla to chemical stimulation and the reactivity of the cardiovascular system to this stimulation. In chapter two an evaluation of the responses obtained from different parameters of the cardiovascular system to exogenous epinephrine and norepinephrine is made in control and reserpinized dogs.


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