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Faculty Mentor

Scott Hutchison


The Charleston Fisher House (FHC) provides free lodging, food, and transportation to the Veterans Administration (VA) hospital for veterans and families receiving care at a VA or associated hospital (Friends of Fisher House Charleston, 2024). Stays range from 1 night to several months, based on the veteran’s medical needs. Being away from home and caring for a sick loved one can cause stress and decrease the caregiver’s effectiveness in aiding the loved one and for self-care (Adelman et al., 2014). Occupational Therapy (OT) holistically addresses the person, including their mental health. A capstone project was implemented to improve mental health in the caregivers and veterans at the FHC to increase their quality of life by reducing stress.

Surveys were given to guests at check-in with questions relating to mental health and any services they requested. 46% reported feeling stressed, 40% reported feeling anxious, and 31% reported feeling overwhelmed at least some of the time. Based on this indicated need, a quality improvement project was conducted to provide mental health resources to the guests staying at the FHC. Handouts on symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD were created with holistic ways to help: time management, sleep hygiene, stress management, affirmations, mantras, and mindfulness. Three classes were taught using handouts as the basis for the class, with 100% of attendees agreed that the class was helpful and 88% of attendees reported they will use the information most days or daily. 88% of attendees reported that a brief mindfulness activity was helpful to their mood. Other mindfulness activities were implemented at the site, with all guests agreeing that they helped them relax.


Adelman, R. D., Tmanova, L. L., Delgado, D., Dion, S., & Lachs, M. S. (2014). Caregiver Burden: A Clinical Review. JAMA : The Journal of the American Medical Association, 311(10), 1052-1060. 10.1001/jama.2014.304

Friends of Fisher House Charleston. (2022). Friends of Fisher House Charleston. Retrieved 15 August 2022, from
