Date of Award

Spring 4-1-2024

Embargo Period


Document Type

Dissertation - MUSC Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Health Administration


Health Administration


College of Health Professions

First Advisor

Jami Jones

Second Advisor

Daniel Brinton

Third Advisor

Dunc Williams


Background: In the evolving healthcare landscape, traditional models face challenges in accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency. Employer worksite clinics have emerged as innovative solutions, providing convenient access to healthcare services for employees. However, empirical evidence on their effectiveness remains limited.

Methods: This research conducted an exploratory data analysis (EDA) of claims data from the Merative® MarketScan Commercial Claims and Encounters Database. The study examined healthcare utilization, cost patterns, and quality indicators at worksite clinics, focusing on commercially insured adults engaged in the workforce. Descriptive statistics and data categorization methods were employed to explore patient demographics, healthcare service types, and financial implications.

Results: Analysis revealed that worksite clinics primarily serve a middle-aged demographic, predominantly for preventive care and routine examinations. Healthcare utilization and cost patterns indicated that these clinics could offer cost-effective care, especially for common conditions such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and acute sinusitis. The diversity in healthcare services and the financial advantages for both employers and employees were significant findings.

Conclusion: The research demonstrates that worksite clinics play a critical role in delivering accessible and cost-effective healthcare to employed adults. They represent a viable model for employer-based healthcare systems, potentially improving the accessibility, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of healthcare services. Further studies are recommended to explore the broader impacts of worksite clinics on healthcare outcomes and costs.


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