Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Molecular and Cellular Biology and Pathobiology


College of Graduate Studies

First Advisor

Jim Karam


The research described in this dissertation elucidated the mechanism by which bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase regulates its own biosynthesis. Utilizing both in vivo and in vitro studies, I have shown that autogenous repression occurs at the level of translation. While T4 mutants defective in the structural gene for DNA polymerase (gene 43) overproduce the protein product (gp43) in vivo, they do not overproduce the corresponding mRNA. In vitro, purified DNA polymerase specifically inhibited the translation of its own transcripts. Further, it was demonstrated that gp43 binds its own mRNA at a site overlapping the ribosome initiation domain. Thus, T4 DNA polymerase is a specific translational repressor that presumably inhibits initiation of translation. The mRNA binding site (translational operator) for DNA polymerase includes 38-40 nucleotides upstream of the initiator AUG. The 5' half of this translational operator contains a putative five base-pair stem and 8-base loop, whose existence is inferred from RNase digestion experiments and computer-assisted analysis of RNA folding. To ascertain the important RNA sequence and structural determinants for DNA polymerase binding, I carried out a mutational analysis of the translational operator via the in vitro construction of several operator variants. Operator mutants were subsequently assayed for the effect of each mutation on: 1) gp43/mRNA binding, in vitro 2) the in vivo levels of gp43 biosynthesis from plasmid encoded constructs and 3) in vivo level of gp43 synthesis in phage infections (carried out after introducing mutant operators into the phage genome by virus-plasmid recombination). Mutations that either disrupted the stem or altered particular loop residues, led to diminished binding of purified T4 DNA polymerase in vitro and to derepression of protein synthesis in vivo. Compensatory mutations that restored the stern pairing, with a sequence other than wild-type, restored in vitro binding but still exhibited a mutant phenotype in vivo. Results from loop substitutions suggest that the spatial arrangement of specific loop residues is a major criterion for specific binding of DNA polymerase to its mRNA operator. These studies demonstrate the effectiveness of genetic approaches in dissecting the rules that govern RNA-protein interactions.


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