Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Health Administration


College of Health Professions

First Advisor

James Zoller

Second Advisor

David Graber

Third Advisor

Kinneil Coltman


Health care disparities continue to impact racial and ethnic minorities in the United States. These disparities may become even more predominant as the population of immigrants and racial and ethnic minorities increases in the country. Health care policymakers, administrators, accreditation bodies, and academia support the practice of cultural competence as a strategy to reduce both health and health care disparities among racial and ethnic minority populations. Yet, although cultural competence strategies have been developed and supported, they are often not implemented by physicians. Researchers need to explore physicians' perspectives of cultural competence in order to increase physician engagement and inform academia, policymakers, accrediting bodies, and administrators as to ways to increase physician "buy-in" and improve cultural competence in health care.


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