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Faculty Mentor

Cristina Reyes Smith


Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is comprised of fundamental life skills for educational success typically including self-awareness, social-awareness, self-management, relationship and responsible decisioning making. Despite growing support for the incorporation of SEL into the K-12th grade classroom, researchers continue to neglect to analyze who should be responsible for implementing programming and how to design programs that are specific to student needs. A doctoral capstone project was conducted to explore the role of school-based Occupational Therapists (OTs) and Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) in SEL program creation and implementation for a Title 1 school in North Charleston, South Carolina. Preliminary qualitative surveys revealed that an average of 34.4% of participating school families at the partner school, believed their children’s ability to attend school was hindered by transportation, housing and food insecurity. In addition, 100% of participating school staff reported that a free, at-home summer SEL enrichment program would be beneficial to their students. As a result, the Summer SEL Enrichment Program was created. This unique program is comprised of 5 core and 3 bonus activities incorporating SEL core competencies, state education standards and OT developmental milestones as appropriate for ages/grade level ranges (K-2nd grade and 3rd-5th grade). In addition, SDOH-related barriers were considered to allow access for all K-5th grade students to participate, and sponsored prizes were provided by community partners. Finally, this collaborative project demonstrated that school-based OT practitioners have unique qualifications to oversee the creation and implementation of such programs; however, practitioners are frequently hindered by outdated practice models, high caseload numbers, limited staffing and perceived scope of practice. Advocating for the expansion of the scope of practice for school-based OTs and a change in current practice standards to promote educational success would allow for the further creation and operation of more student and region specific SEL programming.



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