Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 5-24-2024

Faculty Mentor

Joy Crawford


Alzheimer’s and related dementias impact an individual's cognitive, psychological, social, and physical functions resulting in impairments within the engagement of activities. Activities offer many therapeutic benefits including improvements in mood, alertness, communication, socialization, sleep, cognitive function, and quality of life. The focus of this quality improvement capstone project was to address the decreased level of engagement in male members within a memory day care center setting through engaging them in male-tailored activities. The project included the development of a website that provided tailored male-oriented activities and educational resources that were shared with the staff to revise their day care activity program, as well as with caregivers to increase activity engagement at home. The outcomes of the project revealed male participation increased, with observable signs of increased energy level, affect, attention, engagement, and communication. Additionally, all of the staff and the majority of caregivers reported satisfaction with activities provided, and increased comfort and confidence in initiating the implementation of activities in the future. Therefore, successful implementation of male-tailored activity program within the day care and successful distribution of resources to caregivers and staff that promote the engagement of male members in activities occurred.



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