Date of Award

Fall 10-25-2023

Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nursing Science




College of Nursing

First Advisor

Sarah Miller

Second Advisor

Kathleen Lindell

Third Advisor

Patrick Coyne

Fourth Advisor

Shannon Phillips


The primary objective of this study was to examine the feasibility of study procedures to and explore the unmet needs and potential barriers of women with advanced COPD who may need palliative care (PC). This multi-method study was guided by the adapted Hierarchy of Needs Model and explored unmet care needs, assessed knowledge of PC services, and identified barriers that women experience when receiving or during the implementation of PC. Further exploration of PC needs by sex provided information on unmet care needs of women with advanced COPD. Participants were recruited through convenience sampling by using COPD Patient-Powered Research Network (COPD PPRN), part of the COPD Foundation, and social media. Surveys were administered to women with COPD for self-report of symptoms, quality of life, unmet needs, patient outcomes, resources, and barriers to receiving care. Snowball sampling was utilized to identity participants to complete semi-structured interviews to explore the unmet care needs of women with advanced COPD. Feasibility was determined by eligibility criteria, study procedures, and data collection methods.

To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies to explore the unmet care needs of women with advanced COPD. This study will address a gap in the literature regarding care needs of women with COPD and will provide preliminary insight into knowledge levels of COPD and PC, and finally, identify barriers to care in this population. Study procedures were feasible as determined by the ability for women to complete surveys and interviews without an additional burden, recruitment completed within the defined 6-month timeframe, and high participation rates in surveys if eligible.


Copyright is held by the author. All rights reserved.
