Document Type
Publication Date
Summer 8-2022
This Bicentennial Edition of the Waring Library Society Newsletter gives a peak into what is to come as MUSC approaches its Bicentennial in 2024. This issue features reflections on the origin and impact of the Medical Society by WLS Vice Chair and President Elect, Dr. Robert Ball; an exploration of the areas of MUSC’s past needing illumination by Dr. Brian Fors; a glimpse of the Bicentennial committees, their guiding principles, and goals; more details on the Bicentennial hires that will help with the commemoration; an overview of the approved renovation project for the Waring Historical Library; and highlights of recent professional achievements of the Waring Library staff.
Recommended Citation
Waring Library Society; Waring Historical Library; Medical University of South Carolina; and Schuldt, Anna Marie, "Waring Library Society Newsletter, Summer 2022" (2022). The Waring Library Society Newsletters. 3.

Edited by Anna Marie Schuldt.