


Bärbel Rohrer, PhD

Distinguished Faculty Member


Bärbel Rohrer, PhD, occupies the prestigious position of Professor of Ophthalmology and holds the Smart State Endowed Chair in Gene and Pharmaceutical Treatment at MUSC. Her involvement goes beyond; she is also a dedicated VA Research Scientist and an academic and innovative leader in diseases of the retina.


A holder of three U.S. patents and five more internationally, her ideas have laid the groundwork for pioneering treatments. What's more, she has a tally of 22 patent applications awaiting approval, showcasing the ongoing development of her research.


A trio of enterprises has sprung from her intellectual property. Rohrer played a foundational role in one of these companies, standing as a co-founder. While one company found its future in the arms of a major pharmaceutical conglomerate, the other two are continuing the clinical development of her therapies.


Additionally, she has published over 70 manuscripts, received 37 peer-reviewed grants, served as editor/reviewer for many journals, and mentored 50+ trainees. She is a National Academy of Inventors (NAI) Fellow, Foundation Fighting Blindness Scientific Advisory Board member, and member of multiple professional societies, including the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology and the Society for Neuroscience.


Rohrer's educational background includes a Neuroscience Diploma from the University of Tübingen, a Neuroscience PhD from the University of Calgary, and postdoctoral training at UCSF.