Banner that says, "Horace Gilbert Smithy, Jr., MD Papers." Text overlaid on blurred image.


Horace Gilbert Smithy, Jr., M.D. Papers



Black and white illustration of valvulotome instrument within the aorta. Notation written by Smithy appears on sheet attached to the illustration. Captions identify the aorta, valvulotome, and the aortic cusp.

The Horace Gilbert Smithy, Jr., M.D. Papers, 1946-1948, document Dr. Smithy’s research and publications on the groundbreaking surgical treatment (valvulotomy) he developed for scar tissue of the aortic valve. Dr. Smithy received national acclaim for this procedure, and the instrument used in the surgery, known as the valvulotome, was fabricated at MUSC. The collection contains negatives, photographs, and original drawings used in his publications, correspondence of Dr. Alfred Blalock regarding Dr. Smithy, and a news clipping from the Atlanta Journal Constitution detailing Dr. Smithy’s first valvulotomy.


To learn more about the life of Horace Gilbert Smithy, Jr., M.D., explore the
Horace Gilbert Smithy, Jr., M.D. Papers
on the Waring Digital Collections website.


(Image Description: Black and white
illustration of valvulotome instrument
within the aorta.)